
Coneflower Madness!

The coneflower, or Echinacea, has earned the nickname of "King of the Daisies." Today's coneflower are in many colors, blooming from late spring well into fall. Their long tap root stores water; They have the ability to withstand long periods of drought. Echinacea...

Summer Is here

As the spring season has come and gone, we have been been busy at the nursery maintaining nursery stock. Trimming azaleas, rhododendrons, Lilacs, and other plants. We are planting the Boulder wall with colored annuals as well as our sign out front. The garden mums...

Fall Mums

As the spring season is winding down, we have been busy potting garden mums for fall. We have just finished the crop, now it's off to planting the pumpkins! Its hard to believe that fall will soon be here! Let's enjoy the long days of summer while we can.

New Cherry explosion Hydrangea

Here's a new and exciting hydrangea called Cherry explosion. Nice growth habit, grows approximately 3 - 4 ft. x 3 - 4 ft. wide. It likes sun to part shade. Cherry explosion

Why use Mushroom Compost?

Most gardeners ask, What is Mushroom compost? It is the substrate or composition mushrooms are grown. Usually a medium of straw, horse manure, lime and cocoa shells. It enriches the garden, orchard, building new flowerbeds, or when planting individual annuals, trees,...

Color in the landscape with Roses

Roses are beginning to bloom. the make quite a spectacular display in the landscape, with continuous blooms til frost. You can choose from teas, floribundas, grandifloras, climbing roses and shrub roses. Some of the easiest care shrub roses are Drift series, Miracle...

Get your Bloom on with Azaleas!

Azaleas are still in bloom which add a lot of color in the landscape. Planted properly, most grow well on their own. One of the most favored evergreen azaleas is Karens. A lavender bloom with green foliage in the fall. It is the hardiest evergreen azalea. Azaleas,...

Hanging Baskets

Here is just a few of our best hanging baskets! Come get some before they are gone!

More cold nights

For Northeast Ohio, Colds nights, and cold days in the 30°s. We are in store for two more nights of near freezing temperatures. Monday night into Tuesday morning, and Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Protect any frost tender blooming plants, annuals, and...

Mother’s day!

Now that it's time to buy annuals in flats and hanging baskets, remember that they are susceptible to frost and cold damage. Bring them in at nights under 60° F, Out during the day 55° F and above. Chance of frost or near frost tonight, 37° - 39° F. Our greenhouse is...