well, it’s August, and Bee Season is just beginning. Yesterday, it seemed a Bald faced Hornet’s nest formed in a matter of moments! it was hanging on a low branch on the front maple tree near all the nursery stock. So hot, the hornets were Buzzing all around the nest. Joe took the open flag and knocked the nest off the limb, after he doused it with Sevin dust.

This morning Joe picked the nest up with a long stick, took it to the back of our property and set it on fire. The best time to kill hornets and wasps is when they are back in the nest near dark. The hornets will carry the dust inside the nest to kill the rest of them!

Here are a couple home recipes to kill hornets and wasps:

Peppermint spray:

2 Tbsp dish soap

2 cups water

30 drops Peppermint oil

Mix thoroughly before spraying. Remember, spray near dusk or when its dark.

Sugar and Vinegar Hornet Spray:

1/4 Cup. Dish soap

1 Cup Sugar

1 Cup Vinegar

Mix Thoroughly before spraying.

Apectracide makes a hornet and wasp foaming spray that shoots 27 ft. Very effective insecticide.

Carpenter Bees are another story. They like to drill into wood to lay eggs and hibernate in winter in tunnels hey make. They look similar to bumble bees. So you need to distinguish between the two bees.

A lot of damage can be done to wood where the carpenter bees drill holes on the warm side of the house or barn. some exterminator recommend lemon grass to kill bees. Boric acid is vert effective in killing these bees, so is Sevin dust. You may also use Specticide wasp and hornet killer with the 27 ft spray after spraying, fill the holes and tunnels with wood caulking, so the bees will not return, sue to pheromones left behind ti attract them. Last, but not least use a rescue wasp Trapstik.